Tuesday, July 3, 2007

America in the World: Sandy Berger - A Security Agenda for the Next President

Former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger closed the America in the World conference with a five-point agenda for the next president. He outlined the great challenges facing America and provided some insights on how our next leader may tackle them:

  1. Restore respect and support for U.S. global leadership.
  2. Combat the threat of jihadist extremism.
  3. Halt the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  4. Manage the rise of China on the global stage.
  5. Deal with the challenge of energy and climate change.

Berger argued that each of these issues demands unique and specific attention, but that the keystone upon which each rested was to “restore American moral authority” in the world. It is possible, he noted, that our “insights, passions, and efforts” are not enough, but “we can at least get caught trying.”


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